Saturday, 10 October 2015

Crochet like crazy

Reblogging from myself.  I love this more and more every time I see it.
Bette Davis crocheting on the set of ‘The Letter’

When I saw this image, I felt like it absolutely describes what I do in my free time, these days. I crochet like crazy! It takes the stress out of my life and makes me feel creative and alive.
 I have already completed my project 333 and although I haven't posted much, it was an interesting adventure. It helped me settle down to a simple classic/minimal style of dressing that requires little management. 
 After 4 years of experimenting with my style I think I found what I was looking for to be my style. The positive in my case was that I have freed space in my head to follow other things like experiment with my teaching technics as well as my crochet passion let alone my family life and my passion for politics and activism.
 It somehow feels crazy but I felt like I had to give an explanation for my absense to those people that have been great blogging pals for some  years. 


  1. Funny gif :)
    Maria V.

  2. cool post! :)
