Yesterday, I confessed how super organised I am when it comes to my clothes. I've already planned ahead all 30 of my outfits. It's a long list but I pick and choose as I wish every morning. Then I adjust, polish the look and I'm ready to go...and pose! After that, I'm off to work as fast as I can !
Today's special item is a purple top, which, I swear, I remember my mum wearing back in the 80s .It's pure silk and it has got the best shades of purple I've ever seen.
In an attempt to impress you all, I did my double layer trick. I layered a top over a dress and a cardigan over the top. That's the next level in layering and in this way, I hope that I scored high in comfort and creativity!
What do you think of my outfit? Do you do the double layering thing? and the most important
how far ahead are you in planning your outfits? I'm sooo curious!
black dress zara, silk tank top Louis Ferraud, cardigan zara cropped by me, shoes impulse buy